Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Vegie garden - part 2

I did say I was going to post updated pics of the vegie patch, well here they are. These were taken just a few weeks after the original ones from the previous post. Noon and I kept watering them throughout the hot weeks at the start and the result was they flourished, as you can see.

Here's the little plot with its lettuce, sweet peppers, basil and tomatoes. Couldn't believe how much they'd grown in just a couple of weeks! Noon and I were having leafy salads constantly and it didn't even seem to make a dent in the patch.

From left: mint, cherry tomatoes, and basil. Found some caterpillars in the mint and quite a few bugs in the cherry tomato plants, but we had decided not to use pesticides anyway - trying to keep everything clean and organic. Ended up picking through the plants to remove pests by hand.

The snowpeas had finished fruiting by then, and were withering away. So we pulled them off the lattice and put in some cucumber plants instead.

Our two kids keep us company while we work in the vegie garden. They're allowed in under supervision, and so far have not trampled over any of the plants. They quite often get in the way though... Sam tends to like sitting and leaning against our legs when we're weeding or picking off bugs, while Rosie keeps nudging at us with her toy in her mouth wanting to play fetch.


Andoru said...

Your vege gargen is coming along very well indeed!

chase said...

very nice!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »