Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My new workplace

Late in the afternoon now, past the 5pm knock-off time and I'm still sitting here at my desk. Since I have my camera with me, I thought I might take some pictures to put into a post.

My little cubicle with its 3 LCD screens; one of which is part of the server infrstructure that I manage (leftmost in the pic), one of which is part of the desktop computer I am provided with, and finally one that I purchased from Dell myself just so I could have a dual-screen setup on my main computer.

Here's a closer pic of my main computer with its screens. They're both 19" Dell Ultrasharps and actually look much nicer than in the photo. I'm rather fussy about my interface devices, hence the dual-screens, ergonomic keyboard, and basic optical mouse.

I hold the position of Systems Administrator, one of a team of 4 who focus on Windows Server systems. Having said that, there are still a number of Unix systems currently under my management running Solaris and Debian. On my desktop computer I have Suse Linux installed as a virtual machine under VMWare. Keeps things interesting, don't you think? :) This is what my desktop looks like typically... *ahem* there's usually quite a few more apps open, it's just that it's getting late in the evening and I'm already off the clock now.

Time for me to head home! The wife's just called and I've got to meet her at the car.

I'll bet Sam and Rosie are getting hungry too....


Vivian Yung said...

Wow, awesome office setting.

I am also amazed by how neat and tidy your workplace is. Everything looks so new.

Congratulations also on your new workplace!

Looks like you have got off to a great start in 2006.

Min said...

Silveraven: Sure thing, ask away! Everyone does... right Primrose? :) I'll help/advise where I can.

Vivian: Neat and tidy for the time being. Dunno about when things get busy though. I'll try and keep it clutter-free.

chase said...

whoa, its all greek to me. Cool dual screen thingie though. Not sure how you use two screens with one mouse?!?

Send my love to Sam and Rosie and your beautiful wife.

Primrose said...

Yup yup yup! I always ask and it shall be given. ;)

Min said...

Chase: Have passed on your regards. Noon reads the comments too and said to say hello back :)

Primrose: Your requests for help have dropped off, and that's because you're getting heaps better at all this IT stuff. You'll be a guru before you know it!!

chase said...

just stopping by to say hi :)

Andoru said...

That's a nice set-up Min! Personally, I want a 24'' LCD from Dell!